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How to turn your customer service center into a profit center

Your customer service center plays a crucial role in ensuring customer satisfaction and retention. However, many businesses struggle with the general view of customer service as a cost center, rather than a profit center. As a result, many Customer Service Managers are leading the shift towards a more sales-oriented approach to customer service, recognizing the potential for increased revenue and profitability.

In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of a sales-oriented customer service department and provide tips for turning the customer service department into a profit center.

The benefits of turning your customer service department into a profit center

A sales-oriented customer service department can bring a number of benefits to a business. These include:

  1. Increased revenue and profitability: By identifying and tracking sales opportunities, customer service representatives can help increase revenue and profitability for the business as a whole.
  2. Improved customer retention and loyalty: Good service doesn’t have to be void of sales. A sales-oriented approach to customer service can lead to improved customer retention and loyalty. When customer service agents focus on building relationships with customers, rather than just addressing their immediate concerns, they can help create a sense of loyalty and trust.
  3. Greater cross-selling and upselling opportunities: Customer service representatives are in a unique position to identify opportunities for cross-selling and upselling. By being familiar with a customer’s needs and preferences, they can make personalized recommendations for additional products or services that may be of interest.

Tips for turning the customer service department into a sales function

  1. Train customer service representatives on sales techniques: To turn the customer service department into a sales function, it’s important to train your agents on sales techniques. This can include training on how to identify and track sales opportunities, how to build relationships with customers, and how to make personalized recommendations.
  2. Implement a system for identifying and tracking sales opportunities: A system for identifying and tracking sales opportunities can help customer service representatives stay organized and focused on making sales. This can include a CRM software with customer information and potential sales opportunity. By keeping track of your data, you are able to report what activities help generate revenue to the company.
  3. Encourage a culture of sales within the department: The word “sales” can sound scary to customer service agents, but you are still helping your customers solve problems and find solutions to their needs. To create a sales-oriented customer service department, it’s important to encourage a culture of sales within the department, and to remove the stigma surrounding the word. This can include setting sales goals for customer service representatives and recognizing and rewarding those who make the most sales.
  4. Provide incentives for customer service representatives to make sales: To motivate customer service representatives to make sales, it can be helpful to provide incentives. This can include bonuses for reaching sales targets, or even commission for every successful sale.


A sales-oriented customer service department can bring a number of benefits to a business, including increased revenue and profitability, improved customer retention and loyalty, and greater cross-selling and upselling opportunities. By training customer service representatives on sales techniques, implementing a system to keep track of data regarding identifying and tracking sales opportunities, encouraging a culture of sales within the department, and providing incentives for customer service representatives to make sales, businesses can turn their customer service department into a profit center.


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