WEBINAR 11 NOV - Rätt balans mellan kunder och medarbetare i kundservicen (SWE) - REGISTRERA HÄR
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Safe and secure customer service for Kronans pharmacy

Agents: 20+

Products: Voice, Knowledgebase, Survey

About: With over 300 pharmacies in Sweden there is a high pressure on Kronans Apotek. They have to stay organized and keep structure to provide their service demands. Due to these needs, they required a customer service platform that was built around their needs.

Advanced ticketing management

They had to evolve from an old-school ticketing system and agents dealing with every question the customers had. They needed to give customers a chance to solve their problems through automated self-service when possible. By designing their IVR around normal questions, like asking for a new invoice, they managed to decrease the number of calls by a significant number. If more questions can be solved in the IVR already, then that will result in shorter queues for people who actually need help.

BankID makes it safe and frees up time

One of the biggest changes the pharmacy chain had to go through was the addition of a Swedish service called BankID. Like the name reveals, the service uses bank information to identify a person. Thanks to this new addition identifying callers were easier than ever and a lot of time was saved. It’s thanks to BankID that invoice questions easily can be handled in the IVR without the need to explain what you need to an agent. Enabling Kronans to perform safe and secure customer service. BankID also has made it easier to deal with sensitive information and signatures on their e-commerce orders.

Customer satisfaction surveys, answered by the pharmacy’s customers have shown that these changes have been successful. Their customers have appreciated the changes. It doesn’t just save time for Kronan but also for their customers.

Next step

What makes it fun to work with a company like Kronans Apotek is their positivity. They see the positives in finding technical solutions that make it easier for both their customers and agents. This also makes us more responsible. We stay updated on the latest trends and what is happening in customer service technology to be able to share that knowledge with companies like Kronans Apotek. It’s after all our responsibility to make sure that they have the technical conditions to do to their job.

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