A customer service solution that strengthens your e-commerce

Get a customer service solution for your e-commerce and let it work as your main sales tool. Offer your customers digital support and make the e-commerce visit feel as personal as if they visited a physical store. Easily handle tickets in the order you prefer, directly in the customer service platform.

  • Support on your terms
  • Make yourself available
  • More sales
More sales in e-commerce with great customer service

Increase the presence of your e-commerce with a chat

Add a chat to your e-commerce site and let visitors chat with your customer service. With a smart chat on your website, the tool act as a sales channel. In order for the visitor to receive the treatment you want them to receive. Make the chat function visible where the customer often has questions and exclude it in contexts where it is not needed.

  • Digital presence and increased sales
  • Smart chat support
  • Easy to get started
Close up of someone answering a FAQ on a website

Dynamic FAQ – help the customer in an instant

Strengthen your customer service with an easy-to-use, logical and searchable FAQ. Let the customers’ recurring questions be answered quickly and easily. A dynamic FAQ saves you and the customer time. Because there is no room for confusion in your webshop – easy-to-find and updated answers increase trust, loyalty and strengthens your e-commerce.

  • Faster response
  • Increase the level of self-service
  • Easy to update

How much can you save with the full Connectel solution?

Fill out how many full-time agents you have, your average amount of errands per month and the average handling time in minutes to see how much you can save by implementing the Connectel platform. In the next step, you can also choose to download a full PDF detailing how much you can save, and how we’ve calculated this.

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Customer service tools tailored for your e-commerce

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