Wowpodden just service with Emilie Loman - Service star

How company culture creates good customer service

In the first episode, we meet Mona Silfver, CEO. Listen as she shares, in just 7 minutes, how H1 was founded with a desire to revolutionize the customer service industry, and how that work continues to this day.

Listen here (Swedish):

I have been privileged to delve into H1’s well-functioning company culture and Happy Philosophy. A testament to their success is having the lowest employee turnover in the market.

In three packed episodes, H1’s work with the Happy Philosophy is depicted from three different perspectives. The common thread focuses on how H1’s company culture and Happy Philosophy have contributed to creating quality-certified customer service – benefiting both employees, customers, and end-users.

A well-functioning company culture characterized by joy and engagement in work leads to even better results. On the other hand, a dysfunctional culture can result in frequent turnover, decreased productivity, and high absenteeism.

You can reach out to Mona here:


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