Taxi Goteborg customer service

Streamline your operations with automated IVR booking

Customers demand speed, convenience, and personalized experiences. Use voice technology to automate bookings, decreasing wait times and allowing for quick scalability.

Woman using video call function while walking on the street

Managing overbooking and missed calls

Another challenge that taxi companies face is managing peak hours when demand is high. To handle fluctuating volumes, taxi companies can utilize technology such as voicebots, chatbots, missed call text message notifications and overbooking protection technology. Reporting and analytics is also crucial, as it provides valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. Interpreting customer data in meaningful waysThis data can be used to improve customer service and make better business decisions.

  • Overbooking protection
  • Reporting & analytics tools
  • Confirmation & follow-up with customer via SMS
Connectel smiles

Replace your IVR with automated voice AI

Voicebot and chatbot technology is another innovation that taxi companies can use to improve customer service. Customers can use a voicebot or chatbot to book a ride and receive a confirmation, instead of having to wait for a customer service agent to become available. Additionally, bots can operate 24/7, providing service to customers even when the customer service team is not available. This can help to reduce customer wait times and improve overall customer satisfaction.

  • Voicebots that help during peak hours
  • Easy to use
  • Streamline your workflows

Demo of our voice technology for automated taxi bookings

Say goodbye to wait times, dropped calls and lost business opportunities. Our bot for taxi bookings is powered by cutting-edge speech recognition technology and can successfully handle up to 80% of your incoming calls. Watch the demo here.

How much can you save with a Connectel bot?

Fill out how many full-time agents you have, your average amount of errands per month and the average handling time in minutes to see how much you can save by implementing the Connectel bot. In the next step, you can also choose to download a full PDF detailing how much you can save, and how we’ve calculated this.

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Companies that trust us

Taxi Goteborg customer service
Bo Edsberger CEO, Taxi Gothenburg

“Connectel proved to have experience from similar solutions in the transport industry, which felt safe and secure for our customers and our staff.”

Read the case here

Learn about our bot for taxi bookings

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